Sunday, April 29, 2012

Roast chicken with lemon , garlic and roasted potatoes

Preparation time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (low complexity)

 1 whole chicken
 100 g butter
 1 lemon
 6-7 large potatoes
 1 clove garlic


 Wash chicken well and wipe with a clean towel. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle on all sides salt and paprika to taste (even inside), and on top place sliced ​​lemon.

 Bake in a pan (I used a pot with a lid that does not burn the chicken above) which is also put in 3-4 tablespoons of water.
 Let it cooked in about an hour (less tested with a fork until it seems well done), and finally to take cover and leave a baby in oven 5-10 minutes to brown.
 Meanwhile peel and cut into shape potatoes , tamp down between each slice is a slice of garlic, then sprinkle salt over the whole potato and rosemary, and wraps in foil. Just proceed with all potatoes. Bake for 30 minutes and serve as garnish for chicken.